If you enjoy Warren Buffett’s use of metaphors, similes, and homilies and if enjoy his folksy straight-forward communication style, I think you’ll probably enjoy watching a slice of Mr. Buffett’s testimony before a hearing conducted by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. [Burned into my alleged mind: “If you see one cockroach . . .”]
In the hyperlinked video-clip Mr. Buffett responds to some very good questions posed by Peter J. Wallison, who later published a quite vocal dissent from the Majority Report of Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission.*
Warren Buffett’s testimony:
* Why I dissented from The Majority Report of The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission > http://online.wsj.com/video/opinion-journal-wallison-why-i-dissented/AF6220AF-4A4E-43E8-A393-1700F613CEF8.html
Also see Wall Street Journal online article, What Fannie and Freddie Knew: How the Toxic Twins Turbocharged The Housing Bubble